VFP OLE DB error "function not implemented"
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Joe Stanton
2008-02-23 17:17:09 UTC
Writing a VB6 program to update VFP tables. I need to update some date
fields and get the error 'function not implemented' when using syntax such

update table1 set datefield1=ctod('2006/04/16') where criteria1=value1


update table1 set datefield1={^2006/04/16} where criteria1=value1

Has anyone had success updating Date fields in a VFP table using the VFP OLE
DB driver?

If so, how?

I had posted this in the VB/ADO newsgroup with no response. Anyone with
experience with VFP's OLE DB provider in any language could post a response
that might be helpful.
Olaf Doschke
2008-02-23 21:01:29 UTC
Hi Joe,

most probably the problem is not the date field,
but index expressions. Find out what index tags
are defined for the table and what index expressions
are used. If they contain functions not supported
by ole db or user defined functions, that's the reason
for the error. Perhaps it's a call to a stored procedure,
then executing "set database to thedbcname" will help.

You can call execscript to execute a vfp script, that
returns tag infos (unfortunately the simpler ataginfo()
is not supported by oledb):

local lncount, lcKeys
for lncount = 1 to tagcount()
set order to (lnCount)
lcKeys = lcKeys + tag(lnCount) +" : " + Key(lnCount)+chr(13)+chr(10)
return lcKeys

If all else fails, you can open up the cdx file in a hex editor
and see the index expressions.

Bye, Olaf.
