Visual foxpro driver 6.0 needed while installation
(too old to reply)
2006-10-19 06:56:56 UTC

I developed an application using vb-frontend and foxpro 6 as backend. I
created a package using packaging and depolyment wizard. Now i want to
install this to vendors who has no foxpro driver installed. when i went
to odbc Data source administrator there is no listing of visual foxpro
driver.Just running my setup is enough for me(which has madc_type exe
packed in it) or i have to install any foxpro driver for running my
exe. I think installing whole foxpro 6.0 software that too to our
vendors machine not sounds better.Please help me out from this problem.
This is my connection object code. This is dsnless connection, but in
future i can go for dsn. For that i have to set it in odbc
connection.For my vendors how can i provide the dsn without selecting
the proper foxpro driver.

con.Open "Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};SourceDB=" & App.Path
Cindy Winegarden
2006-10-19 12:59:11 UTC
Hi Sow,

You can get the latest FoxPro and Visual FoxPro ODBC driver from
msdn.microsoft.com/vfoxpro/downloads/updates/odbc . It hasn't been part of
MDAC for several versions.
Cindy Winegarden MCSD, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
.... vendors who has no foxpro driver installed. when i went
to odbc Data source administrator there is no listing of visual foxpro
driver.Just running my setup is enough for me(which has madc_type exe
packed in it) or i have to install any foxpro driver for running my
exe. ....