2005-10-03 13:09:19 UTC
i'm writing procedure to process a txt file. This is a txt file with
variable length like this:
#00013#0120VST#0121Storkstraat#012222#01243833 LB#0125LEUSDEN#0127NL
i've put the codes (#0001, #0120, etc.) in a table with corresponding
recordnames for the table so i can look it up.
So i put the recordname in the variable mRecordName like this:
mRecordName = ALLTRIM(imp_cb.recordname)
I put the value (in a loop) in the variable mValue like this:
mValue = SUBSTR(dummy.line, (mbegin + 5), (mEnd - (mbegin + 5)))
and try to use an append blank and replace construction like this:
replace &mRecordName WITH &mValue
unfortunately i get an error:
Command contains unrecognised phrase/keyword.
The problem is the variable: mRecordName. If i read the value, it seems
i'm writing procedure to process a txt file. This is a txt file with
variable length like this:
#00013#0120VST#0121Storkstraat#012222#01243833 LB#0125LEUSDEN#0127NL
i've put the codes (#0001, #0120, etc.) in a table with corresponding
recordnames for the table so i can look it up.
So i put the recordname in the variable mRecordName like this:
mRecordName = ALLTRIM(imp_cb.recordname)
I put the value (in a loop) in the variable mValue like this:
mValue = SUBSTR(dummy.line, (mbegin + 5), (mEnd - (mbegin + 5)))
and try to use an append blank and replace construction like this:
replace &mRecordName WITH &mValue
unfortunately i get an error:
Command contains unrecognised phrase/keyword.
The problem is the variable: mRecordName. If i read the value, it seems