Hi Tessier,
Post by Tessier AshpooleCan anyone point me in the right direction of a method or product that would
be good for replication of a FoxPro database? Replication needs to take
place between a server and a workstation if at all possible.
Well, it's a file based database, so you may start as simple as
using DOS xcopy32 to copy all files of a database folder from
server to loacl or vice versa.
A more advanced (but also command/batchfile based) file copy
tool is RoboCopy. It validates copies and retries copying if
not sucessful or the source file has changed during copy. Especially
with the header of a dbf containing the recno and records added
during copy this would result in a corrupt header at the destination
folder otherwise.
Do you have needs to not only simply replicate but synchronize
a local and a server database? Then that may be more complicated.
You may use any tool capable to adress a database via ODBC,
if you don't use VFP7 or higher database features, or OLE DB,
for the oldest to newest VFP version databases.
Do you have needs to update the server database while clients
are using it? As you then can't simply overwrite files, it also get's
rather complicated, rather similar problems as multiuser
data access and insert/update/delete conflict resolution.
Bye, Olaf.