table has been corrupted/HELP
(too old to reply)
2007-08-24 01:48:11 UTC
Probably from hardware issues, but can I restore .dbf/.cdx to the same
directory?? I did try that and got a message that the Index needed
to be deleted and re-created. When I look at the restored file, it
appears that the field names have been truncated, which were backed up
using BackupExec. I can delete the CDX, but then I have to re-create
all the indexes, and there are a bunch. What are the steps necessary
to restore from a backup and get all this to work correctly? HELP!
tom knauf
2007-08-24 07:16:06 UTC

are the fieldnames truncated in the dbf ? Do you get a message "table
belonging to database (or so" ?
May be you have used a DBC (Database), there longer fieldnames are allowed.
Then you have to restore the dbc/dbx/DCT, too.

Otherwise if you see wrong fieldnames in the DBF the backup seems to be
damaged , too, maybe "only" the header.
Search for cmrepair.app In any case I would reindex from scratch if I get
problems like this.


And you should have a look at validate database and recover databse in the
online help.
Post by jJay
Probably from hardware issues, but can I restore .dbf/.cdx to the same
directory?? I did try that and got a message that the Index needed
to be deleted and re-created. When I look at the restored file, it
appears that the field names have been truncated, which were backed up
using BackupExec. I can delete the CDX, but then I have to re-create
all the indexes, and there are a bunch. What are the steps necessary
to restore from a backup and get all this to work correctly? HELP!